'The world needs dreamers and creators' - you're so right! If only governments recognised that too!

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Author

Thanks for your comment, Juliet. Sadly, funding for the arts is greatly reduced and many creative degrees have been axed. There are no real apprenticeships either. A sorry state.

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It's very short-sighted of governments to cut the funding for creative courses. Will our new government change things after the election?

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Well, what they promise and what they do are two entirely different things.They’ll concentrate on what makes the most impression with the least funds, I suspect, but then I’m pretty cynical about our two-party politics. We can hold out hope, I guess, but without substantial change, I think it’s misplaced.

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I agree, the system needs to change!

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Jun 13Liked by DRNaturegirl

Oh Debbie, this is so true for so many people's lives.

I'm so glad you've found your 'happy place' in life.

My Mum left school with one 'O' level in Art. She was a phenomenal artist and wanted to go to art college, but this wasn't considered appropriate and was found a job in a ladies Dept store selling silk stockings and gloves. She lasted a good few years there.

But, her mission in life was to feed and clothe people which she eventually did with huge success reaching many people's lives.

Academia is pushed as the way to succeed, but what you say about

Hairdressers, plumbers etc is so, so true.

Thanks for sharing this.


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Hi Claire, thanks for your response. Funnily enough my Mum was a talented artist. She had a place a Chelsea Art School, but her Mum refused to pay for her to go and forced her to get a job (she left school at 14) She used to design clothes and would have been great as a designer I’m sure, but never got the opportunities or encouragement. Sad. We’ve recently found her brother’s family (she was adopted at 12 when her own Mum abandoned the family. She lost touch with her siblings) and found out he went to Ealing Art College, briefly, and contained drawing an painting his whole life.

Academia is over-rated and pushed way too much. We all have talents and should be able to use them in work which is both profitable and joyful.

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Couldn't agree more. I'm blessed that every single day I get to watch you create wonderful things - be that things to eat, paintings to behold or poetry to nurture my mind. You are an inspiration. x

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