Sending warmth and light. So sorry to hear your news.

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Thanks so much, Paul. Appreciated.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. This is beautiful writing about your dad, I can relate to so much of having a complicated father. I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts xx

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Thank you, Wendy. I really appreciate you taking the time to read my piece and comment. Holding us in your thoughts is most welcome xx

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What a brilliant tribute. I love reading about people’s dads and their relationships with them, much as I obsessively write about my dad who died about eight years ago now.

I’m sure that your dad would have loved your honesty and the warmth that you use when speaking about him. Maybe he would have shed one of those rare tears, if he thought you weren’t looking.

Stay strong.

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Thank you, Mike. That’s kind of you.

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I'm sorry for your loss - losing a parent is difficult.

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Thanks, Lynn. Appreciate you taking the time to read and comment.

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Sorry for your loss. It's always hard to lose a parent.

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Thanks, Juliet. Appreciated.

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I'm so sorry, Debbie. Losing your father is so hard, no matter when it happens. I hope writing this long touching tribute to him helped a little.

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Thanks so much, Jane. Writing has always helped me process emotions, ever since I was a wee girl.

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Then write and write and write xx

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I'm so sorry Deb. I met your parents a long time ago, and know a lot of things you've outlined here. I remember his dancing skills at various parties. I know how hard it is to lose a father and how confusing one's feelings are when it happens. I'm so sorry that the last few days in particular have been so hard for all of you. Sending lot of love to you, your sister and mum. XXX

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Thanks, Paula. Appreciate your support xx

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Oh Debbie.

I so feel for you, our relationship with our parents can sometimes be so complicated, but they are still our parents and we miss them so much when they leave us.

Sending much love

Claire xx

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Thanks, Claire. Appreciate you taking time to read and comment. So true what you say xx

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Thinking of you, Debbie. Xx

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Thank you, Fiona. Appreciated. xx

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