Big topic as you say and has been for generations. I remember reading and being worried by ‘Silent Spring’ R Carson in the mid 1960s. Have we ecologically improved since then?

Also further back in the 19th century George Eliot wrote of the web of affinities, which as you also suggest -links us all together - currently in the situation in which we find ourselves today.

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Thanks for reading and commenting, Chris. Yes, there’s so much that could be covered in the subject and I’m sure many people have! Not convinced my two-penneth worth will add much, but still. It sometimes helps me to organise my thoughts when I’m having a mini-meltdown about the state of things.

I read Silent Spring too. I think it’s a classic text and probably one of the first ‘modern’ books to address some of those issues. I’d not thought of George Elliot, but you’re right!

We too often think of ourselves as ‘apart’ from nature when we are simply another part of it, inextricably linked. I’ve written before about the disconnect for some people, especially young people growing up in cities. I can’t help but feel that if we saw ourselves as more connected - with everyone and everything - we’d make better choices personally and politically.

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Thanks so much, Juliet. As always, appreciate your engagement.

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Excellent post, thanks.

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