Hi Debbie,

Thank you for sharing, it feels silly to call you ‘brave’ but I appreciate you saying how it is, how it makes you feel and what you are doing to look after yourself. The social media standard of extremes, it’s all wonderful or it is all awful, make me grind my teeth, life is, as you have implied, complex and mixed, and in the midst of your current state, you are progressing with the writing. I admire that, I too am trying to learn about acceptance and going with the flow, whilst helicoptering in on my life from above so I can see quite where I am right now in a way I cannot see from the ground. Hope that makes sense, and keep taking care of you.

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Hi Kate,

thank you so much for taking the time to read my piece and comment on it. I’m the least brave person out. I’m afraid of pretty much everything. I mean, not dogs, or spiders or snakes, but life in general. I suppose I’m not afraid of what people think, though, which helps.

Life is messy and complicated and anyone who suggests otherwise lies!

I’ve written since I was a child, so it’s part habit and part solace. It helps.

I hope you manage to get the perspective you need - makes complete sense.

I’m doing my best, mostly. You too.

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Hey Debbie

I hear you! And I feel YOU!

Being going through the same, not my sis (as don't have one) but my daughter.

My motivation has dropped to ground 0. I have two commission works I need to do... But just can't find the gears to push onward. It's summer here in New Zealand and reasonable hot. So I should be outside gardening which I really enjoy. Or swimming, maybe! Lol

My bed is my sanctuary at the moment. It doesn't want to relieve me from it's clutches.

But I endure and get my ass out of bed and start my day. Whatever hour that maybe.

Then my coffee starts calling me..which means I have to get up to make it.. and wha la I am vertical. Push one leg after the other and before I know I am walking. Lol

So I find the happy things in life to keep going. And always the funny side as well. Laughter makes me feel better.

I enjoy your blogs., articles and posts.

You are an amazing strong woman, who is rocking this world your own way. Keep it up x

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So sorry to hear your current circumstances, Michelle.

Finding the little bits of joy in the wealth of grief is certainly the best approach I can think of too. Every day does have something to commend it if we can look beyond ourselves, which isn’t always easy. My husband and my dog make me laugh, so that’s a bonus. I’m glad you can find something to smile about too.

The doggy has a routine that is difficult to vary, so I have to be up before 8am every day, otherwise who knows when I’d manage to get up!

I hope you can find some resolution to some of the things that are difficult and that you mojo makes a return too. Be kind to yourself. Maybe some of the generous suggestions from Anna can be applied to your situation too? Sounds like you’re doing what you can to be through. I hope you have people who you can talk to. Do feel free to message if you need to.

Thank you for engaging here. It makes a difference to know that people are reading and enjoying my random writings.


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Dear Debbie,

I’m sorry for what you’re experiencing. I have had tough times too (currently waiting to hear how bad my cancer is) and it’s only in the last few years that I have found a way to deal with my low mood.

I now anticipate it and take myself camping at my favourite beach in Tasmania. It’s such a tonic and very cheap.

Would these tips help you?

- I know it could be hard, but focus on your wellbeing before anyone else’s.

- If it’s winter where you are, have your vitamin D levels checked. Vitamin D can severely affect mood and many in the UK need it in winter.

- Have a cheap holiday (camping , house sitting .. there are websites… or stay with a friend) somewhere totally different that involves walking in nature. Somewhere to explore and have an adventure.

- say ‘yes’ to as much as you can and accept that you might have to do it with limited capacity.

- be around people. Help out on something in the community (gardening groups, community lunches). If you can’t, seek community groups that support your needs.

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How very kind and generous of you to take time out of your day to share your experience and wisdom.

I’m sorry to hear about your health and hope the news, when it comes, is as positive as it can be. Sending my positive thoughts across the ether.

I’m fortunate to live by the sea, which is my happy place. For various reasons I’m unable to get away. When I do it’s to take over caring responsibilities for my Mum, to give my sister a respite break.

Totally with you on the Vit D and I do take it (when I remember!)

I’ve volunteered for 50 years and my physical health is now such that doing anything outside of the home is not possible. I’m not sure if that will change.

I’m not meaning to dismiss any of your suggestions because they are all excellent and it helps to remind myself of that positive actions can make difference.

Thank you so much.

I’m sure you have plenty of people to chat to but feel free to message if you ever want to talk.


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Oh Debbie, I don't know what to say. Your rucksack is full and heavy. We talk about self-care and I hear and acknowledge what you are doing to keep moving, moving into the light.

I seem to be writing the word 'hope' a lot, that and the myth of Pandora's Box. I bought a pot of hyacinth the other day, partly as a cipher for hope. We do what we can and hold hope in our closed hands.

I work as a quasi-volunteer/participant in a recovery group. Our leader encourages us to believe that everything can be fixed. I would add a rider that some of the fixes are yet to be known and shaped, which is where hope comes in. Do your worst chimp brain hijacker, I say; I am stronger than you, and stronger than I believe myself.

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Thank you Glenn, for taking the time to say anything! I truly appreciate that.

I like the ‘chimp brain hijacker’ suggestion! I’ll give that try.

I’m not a negative person generally and will certainly continue to keep hope in my heart.


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